Bloggers around the world put up a good news story post on the last Friday of each month that shows humanity in action. This serves as an antidote to the alarming news we hear every day through various news feeds.

I could have chosen the story about the first Black South African woman, Saray Khumula, who summited Mt. Everest a few weeks ago. It is a lovely story coupled with the fact that she raised funds for a library for orphaned children in Soweto. Her message was of patience and perseverance and encouragement of black South African women to reach for the dream.

The one I’ve chosen is short and sweet and typical of many if not most South Africans who lend a hand when needed. I can just see the goodness in this young man’s heart  – Nkosikho Mbele – who paid for petrol for a woman who had left her card at home. As the story says, Monet van Deventer was at the petrol station when a young man started cleaning her windows. She was looking for her petrol card and asked him not to fill her car or clean her windows as she had left her card at home. He said ‘Ma’am, you can’t run out of petrol on the N2. I’ll throw in R100 and then you can just bring back my R100 whenever you are near again”.

This very recent story has gone viral – Monet van Deventer has set up a fund for this young man who, when she returned the money to him, asked him why he helped a trusted a stranger. He replied: ”Ma’am, I’m a believer”. 

Well, so am I – in the inherent kindness and goodness of people the world over …

If you’d like to take part in spreading the good news, please add your name to the link. Your post to be under 500 words with your link to the fuller story. Your story is to be non-political and one that shows humanity in action which restores your faith in the goodness of the people of our planet.

Our thanks to our co-hosts this month i.e. Damyanti BiswasSimon FalkShilpa GargMary J. Giese , and Dan Antion who welcome participants and encourage all to join in during future months. Do pop by them – their stories are sure to be inspiring as will all the stories of those participating.

Petrol Attendant Pays for Fuel to Make Sure Woman Gets Home Safely… Restores Faith in All South Africans!

45 Comments on #WATWB

    • As someone from abroad said who has just taken up a contract with SAA as CEO of one of their divisions, that where others see crises, he sees opportunities … I like/d that. But I agree Robbie, much seems gloom and doom – thank you for coming by.

  1. I believe that the more we believe in kindness and goodness, the stronger they become. Thanks for sharing about two stories. It’s hard to pick just one sometimes.

  2. Hi Susan, Good news stories are welcome and needed. Like you say, as an “antidote.” Thank you for sharing the story. Gave me goosebumps “I’m a believer.” 🙂 Erica

    • Thanks for coming by Erica/Erika. It’s hitting the news in a big way, internationally too. I heard the chairman of Shell call him on my car radio today – oh my goodness, that gave me goosebumps. Mbele was caught entirely unawares …I literally gasped! These antidotes gives me hope!

  3. I’m a believer in human kindness, too, Susan, although I admit I’m shaken by the lack of it at national levels in my country. We need to start right where we are and respond to need in front of us–no matter what the skin color or economic situation. This young man did it. What a model!

    • I’ve been following his story on FB Elaine – an amazing amount of money has been reached for him. His simple act of kindness towards another human being has had such ripple effects, which kindness does I guess, even if such acts aren’t publicly acknowledged.

  4. What an uplifting story! That young man’s positive attitude lifted me up, too. Made me want to keep on the lookout for folks who could use a helping hand, too. Thanks for sharing:)

  5. Hi Susan – what a great promotion/ advertisement/ publicity for African life … such generosity of spirit. People from all walks of life can be so thoughtful – and then Monet pays it forward. Fabulous post – letting us know about this quite delightful, trusting young man – he will go far, Monet too … Cheers Hilary

    • Monet van Deventer has raised in excess of R340,000! Thanks for coming by Hilary – it is pretty uplifting to hear of such a thing. MANY kindnesses are unnoticed, and it’s so great when they are.

      • Just spotted the story on the Beeb … I’m so pleased it’s going to help his kids … then they too can emulate their father … wonderful once again!

        • Just arrived home now and in my car the radio host was talking about this event and now R470K has been raised. THEN following on from that the chairman of Shell phoned Mbele – a complete surprise to him – and Shell will be donating R500,000 to a charity of his choice and he’s been nominated as a regional champ and will go to Zanzibar next month. Well, I gasped! The radio host was also saying afterwards that the Shell chairman could have asked Mbele what his aspirations are – btw Mbele spoke in an African language so I couldn’t understand what he was saying but he was pretty overcome! O it was lovely!

          • Crumpets!!!!! Oh how wonderful … I think for you that’s June’s #WAWTB sorted … how amazing … is Hloniphizwe Mtolo still the Chairman – that might explain our lingo barrier!!!???

            I hope you can keep us up-to-date re developments on this … thank you in advance!

            Pounds sterling over 26,000 ….

            • Mbele was the one who didn’t speak English. Yes re £ and rands – our currency is weakening right now 😨

              • Thanks Mikdog … I thought Mtolo might have been putting Mbele at ease … but speaking together in their language … I see now it was a Shell garage near Cape Town …

              • sorry this came up under mikdog Hilary … he is the host of my blog. This happens when i use my phone – I forgot! Yes Mbele from Khayeletsha outside CT

  6. Such an inspiring tale and such belief! I don’t know how the world got in the place it did, but I suspect we could reverse course with a few more of these interactions, Susan. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Thanks for sharing this story, Susan. Small acts of kindness spread positive ripples further than we’ll ever know.

    • Sorry I’m responding to your comment only now Norah – I found it in my spam folder. Too true that ripples spread ever outward!

  8. Thanks for sharing those lovely stories Susan. Personally I can’t believe how much my life has changed for the better since I started practicing gratitude on a daily basis. It has helped me to -from time to time- feel the love in my heart, counting my blessings (also I am blessed to have a beautiful friend like you).

    • Thanks Susanne – the other day I was thinking of you and when and how I first came across you interviewing Jean Raffa and I remember thinking how dear you were then – I too am grateful to call you friend 🙂

  9. What a kind soul that young man has and it’s an exceptionally kind thing he did. It would be wonderful if we could all trust and help others like that without question, because we believe. Thanks for this heart-warming story, Susan.

    • I agree Diana – he’s one of our own and I truly believe there are MANY more like him. Thank you for your lovely wishes, and be blessed and inspired to you too ..

  10. Thank you so much Susan for sharing this wonderful, uplifting story! I’m not surprised it’s gone viral as Nkosikho Mbele’s actions have touched the hearts of many. How reassuring to know there are (like Jaqui says) people in the world like that! I never underestimate the kindness of strangers because it’s a very real thing and I’ve encountered it in my life too. I hope you’re well and rested now from your marathon A to Z Challenge throughout April and that the lessons of freedom are still unfolding in rich, positive ways. Love & light, Deborah.

    • Isn’t it a lovely story Deborah! I honestly think most people are kind hearted and will help out if and when they can. Yes, rested thanks after A-Z though I didn’t do a follow up as there was no free time 🙂 – which again makes me think of Nkhosikho’s freedom of spirit in his giving so freely. Thank you for coming by – Love and light to you. Loved your June poem …

  11. Keep on sending us good-news stories at the end of every month. What a healthy, heart-warming practice. Thank you, Susan!

  12. It is SO LOVELY to hear these heartwarming stories at this time when we mostly hear of tragedy. THANK YOU, Susan!! <3

    • Glad you enjoyed it Gwynn! Yep, there is tooooo much news that is despairing around the world … and thank you for coming by 🙂

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