Freedom Z

Ze end! April has whizzed by –

What is the zeitgeist of our times?  Will be ever be free of this particular time in history, with its rapid advance of technology and with it the spread of fake news, the rise of nationalism and its concomitant awfulness, climate change and much more, which seems to be the defining mood?Image result for zeitgeist images

Zorba: Kazantakis, Zorba the Greek: “Free yourself from one passion to be dominated by another and nobler one. But is not that, too, a form of slavery? To sacrifice oneself to an idea, to a race, to God? Or does it mean that the higher the model the longer the tether of our slavery?”

Solzhenitzyn: Gulag Archipelago: “…Do not pursue what is illusionary – property and position: all that is gained at the expense of your nerves…It is enough if you don’t freeze in the cold and if thirst and hunger don’t claw at your insides. If your back isn’t broken, if your feet can walk, if both arms can bend, if both eyes can see, if both ears hear, then whom should you envy?” (with thanks to my bridesmaid who sent this to me).

Zorba: “Every man has his folly, but the greatest folly of all, is not to have one.”

Khalil Gibran: Love is the only freedom in the world because it so elevates the spirit that the laws of humanity and the phenomena of nature do not alter its course.

Autumn tree in it’s golden glory taken by my son yesterday –

Thank you all for coming by to my Freedom posts. I’ve so enjoyed and appreciated your comments.

52 Comments on AtoZ Freedom Z

  1. Susan I’m just checking something with this comment. I think I may be able to comment here again. I changed a setting in my browser. This is a test, in other words. And here we go… 3… 2… 1…

  2. What a great word to end the A to Z challenge!

    It does feel that we’re in a pot slowly coming to a boil right now. The question is – how long will this simmer last and when the pot finally boils over, will it be for the good or not?

    Depending on the mood I’m in, I could argue either way but on a gray rainy day like we’ve been having, it’s hard to feel optimistic.

    • Joanne, apologies, I’ve found your comment only now! Thanks for coming by. That pot keeps on simmering … I just hope it doesn’t explode –

        • we have a newly elected president – inauguration today … turbulent times up ahead for us as well! More than ever, to keep our centre stable and firm – UK, US, further afield … and right now Iran Russia and US –

  3. Hi Susan, A very thought-provoking post. I have not seen a quote from Kahlil Gibran in a long time. I actually googled his name, since I see that the spelling can vary, and I wondered whether it was the same author/poet. The photo of the tree is beautiful! 🙂 Erica

    • Thanks Erica – I just did a check myself on Khalil/Kahlil – I thought I got it wrong but apparently it spelled both ways! – like yours 🙂 Autumn is a lovely time of year here in SA.

  4. You did it, Susan! Thanks for taking me along on your explorations. It’s a challenging time as I watch my country figure out what to do about a man who aspires to be a dictator. I hope our present response changes, but I’ve been disappointed for a few years with this particular Zeitgeist. Meanwhile, the Earth turns green, Nature cycles on, bluebirds incubate their eggs, and cherry trees flower in the hedgerows. My angst (back to A) won’t help a thing, so I’ll be grateful to have the freedom to take in Nature’s beauty every day.

    • Thanks heavens for Mother nature’s beauty Elaine that helps in a real way of mitigating the stresses of this peculiar zeitgeist. We have elections next week, and it’ll be a huge relief when it’s over and done with – but will it?

  5. Congratulations on completing your A-Z of freedom, Susan. You’ve given us all quite a lot to think about. I’m not sure about Zorba’s quote, but Khalil Gibran has always been a favourite.

    • Thanks Norah so much, I’ve appreciated your coming by when you could. Zorba was touching on I think that we need a little bit a madness in our lives (in his second quote), madness of the best kind! Or, as Carl Jung put it: “The soul demands your folly, not your wisdom.”

  6. Congratulations Susan on completing the challenge.You compiled some thought provoking quotes!
    I really like the quote from Solzhenitzyn. It is something so simple yet we forget about the blessings that life offers us – a working able body that can accomplish so many things.
    Read my Z post here ZEST

  7. Congrats on surviving another A to Z, Susan! It isn’t easy.

    Sorry I wasn’t here that much–another crazy month–but I hope you know I was cheering you on.

  8. Hi, Susan – Congratulations on successfully completing the 2019 A – Z Challenge. I am so glad that you joined in. I loved your thought-provoking posts and quotes!

  9. Thank you for your thoughtful, inspiring posts <3 I've enjoyed you so much!
    Congratulations on completing the challenge!

  10. Thank you for this inspiring series, Susan. It’s been a wonderful practice to awaken to each morning. I’m with Deborah in every beautiful thing she wrote: especially in loving the Gibran quote!!! And in sending you blessings of love and light. Jeanie

    • Thank you Jeanie. I love that Gibran quote too … 🙂 Thank you for your blessings of love and light, sending on to you too, Susan.

  11. Congratulations for reaching Z. No better word to celebrate that than ‘zeitgeist’. That is almost more emotion than definition.

  12. Freedom is a often concept rarely found, one can be more free swinging between the branches with beautiful animals in say of the Amazon but in a democratic society -is that we are free to discuss with an individual/ passer-the good news in a world that has a lot of evil and unlike those poor prisoners of the evil Gulag arranged by evil despots and among are many Jewish brothers and sisters who were cruely set in the ‘Concentration Camps’ of Nazi Germany

    • Sadly, the past has a cruel history much of the time Anthony. We are not free of our history nor will be ever be. But, as you say we can pass on the good news which hopefully will enlighten and enliven us to be and do better, for ourselves and future generations..

  13. Congratulations on making it to ze end!! You did a fantastic job with the subject of Freedom. Now, you can relax as you are FREE to enjoy May!!

    • Thanks Gwynn – you too can take ze rest from commenting which I’ve always so appreciated! Hard to believe that May is almost here!

  14. Hopefully the zeitgeist of the future will be a more understanding, thoughtful and compassionate one. Thanks for the posts. I enjoyed reading them.

    • What a thoughtful comment about a possible future zeitgeist! Thanks LInda – and for your posts too on your travels through Australia ..

  15. Ze end! Ha-ha just perfect! What an inspiring journey it’s been (almost) daily to explore “Freedom” in its different voices and forms of expressions. Thank you so much Susan for being a beacon, a light for others by sharing your love and light and a whole selection of beautiful quotes with us all! I’m with Kahlil Gibran all the way, “love is the only freedom in the world …”. Oh, I’m loving that glorious golden (autumn) tree photograph!

    Recently I came across this great question: “What does it feel like when you feel most like yourself?” Free! Was one of my immediate responses, alongside, alive, happy, light and soulful. Not only a great question but one that we all need to sit down and answer least we forget who we are. I know it was at the last minute you changed your mind and took part in this year’s challenge yet I’m so glad you did. Love and light, Deborah.

    • Thanks Deborah for your lovely comment. Amazing that you recall that I REALLY wasn’t going to ‘do’ it this year round, but what with election day looming (next week Wednesday) and wondering about Freedom, I took the leap and was able to find meaningful quotes. So I’m glad that I did!

      I like your answer to the question of how it feels when you’re most yourself and your response was “Free’! among other responses 🙂

      Thank you for your ongoing support throughout the A-Z.

      As I write, I’m thinking of your 1st May poem! Beltane! Love & Light to you too, Susan

  16. So glad to read your theme this year. Thanks for participating, and commenting on my blog also. Looking forward to reading your non-A-to-Z blogs in the future

    • It would be nice to free of this particular zeitgeist .. maybe it offers us an opportunity to look at it in a fresher way and with newer approaches .. thank you Susan for your support throughout this A-Z

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