REFLECTION – Blogging from A-Z April (2015) Challenge
AMAZING in a word, with huge thanks to Arlee Bird and all those wonderful minions, muffins, co-hosts and helpers. Without you, the challenge wouldn’t be.
it was an absolute blast all the way through, tough, exhausting, challenging, rewarding.
Firstly, I’d like to thank all who took the time and trouble to make comments on my blog. This gave me the oomph to continue – without your active participation I may have folded. It was wonderful to receive thoughtful comments on my theme on Dreams and to comment back, visit those blogs as well as jumping around here and there on the list, including those who were before or after me on the list. All posts by others that I visited were of such a high standard, thoroughly interesting, thought provoking, sometimes downright funny – laugh out loud!
Prescheduling was the only way to go for me otherwise I would have been lost in the stratosphere, although towards the end I was working like mad on drafts.
I would LOVE to list all those whose posts stood out and provide links but I’m not that computer savvy. I’ll have to have help from my son from afar to put up the survivor and reflection badges in the side bar in due course. How I got up the badge at the top of this post is a bit of a miracle. I copied and pasted it though I had to save it to blog images firstly.
Many in the list did not have the A-Z badge; I commented on many irrespective of badge or not; many did not comment back so those I gave up on.
Again, my heartfelt thanks to all. Because of you I feel like a survivor and what a great feeling it is!
The flowers are for Tina, in absentia …