The longest day here in the Southern hemisphere, the longest night in the Northern hemisphere ~
The shortest night in the south, the shortest day in the north ~
North and South ~
Long & Short ~
Day and Night ~
The opposites, standing still, in sharp contrast to each other, momentarily, for a pause.
North is I think an Water element, South I think is Earth. (Although in ancient greek medicine, north was seen as air and associated with spring inter alia). The North Star – the North. The South, the soil, the Earth –
The long and short of it this year ? The long of it? A troubling year as tensions flare and increase. The rise in anti-semitism is as if a plague has descended and hate has been inflamed. The Jew and Israel is the target. I am ashamed of my country taking Israel to the ICJ and everyone else jumping on the band wagon … South Africa scored ill begotten funds for this spurious attack. I support Israel in this fight for her life. I support Peace and pray that she ~ Peace ~ may reign in this dreadful battle. And that SOMETHING good comes of all of this. Russia and Ukraine too. Everywhere. Maybe the old myths of war and terror, dominance, rape of women as spoils of war, ongoing battles will give way to a newer myth – not new actually, it’s an ancient myth, of the Feminine. The qualities of love and compassion, nurturance, care, healing, taking our cue from Mother Nature – and energies that men embrace too –
We were in Johannesburg recently to say farewell to our beautiful townhouse in Morningside. The purchasers are ecstatic. I saw friends, some very special moments. The suburb of our bnb where we have stayed several times, not far from the townhouse, is just so pretty. Yes, upmarket, paved sidewalks, a large playground at the end of the road with fascinating trees and indigenous flora, beautiful homes, treed roads, lovely to go for a walk late afternoon …
I’ve had Johannesburg friends come and stay. Many laughs. Below is a photo of Al & Hillary at The Deck where we had breakfast overlooking the lagoon and sea.
Vonn came to stay for several days though somehow we never really got a chance to talk. I saw her when we were up in Johannesburg – she had us for dinner.
This frangipani (transplanted a branch of it to Plett years ago and it does wonderfully well) has always blossomed white. Not so now – it’s blooms are red. I must check the scent. Earlier it seemed to have no scent.
We overnighted in Prior Grange in the Karoo on our way up to Jo’burg. I took an evening walk and this beautiful tortoise crossed my path. On the way back we overnighted in Graaf Reinet. It’s cathedral is so beautiful. While we were eating our dinner on the patio of a restaurant I captured the sunset alongside.

The short of it is that I give grateful thanks often for my many blessings. I am blessed, my family and friends are my blessings, this beautiful place we live in an ongoing blessing.
Blessed I am – I am Blessed – Blessed am I ~
Day surely follows night, as the seasons give way to change on this day of the Solstice. My grateful thanks to you who support my blog when I put up a post from time to time.
I wanted an image celebrating Hanukkah and Christmas. I couldn’t find one so I asked AI. I would have liked a nativity scene but could not get one of both. All my good wishes for a happy Solstice, Christmas and Hanukkah. May the light and your light shine ever brightly. And may 2025 bring Peace.

43 Comments on Solstice
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Hi Susan, glad to read your post after a very long time, 2024 has been tough for me too, but am blessed for the cataract surgery that went on well in both of my eyes, healed of an ear infection, came out of viral fever cold and cough. I am glad for the opportunities i had to complete my Post graduation in Philosophy, a subject that i always wanted to study, also for a certificate course in yoga and now in process of completing a diploma in nutrition. The world need peace – and we pray for Israel – been there in 2023 before the war and had a great experience. Its always a pleasure to read your post, the pictures posted here are beautiful , loved the last one – as Christmas always remains my favorite season, wishing you love, joy and peace and a meaningful New year 2025:)
Genevive it is so wonderful to hear from you thanking you for coming by. I’m glad you overcame all those physical setbacks. And we’re able to continue furthering your education!
My left arm is all bandaged up; I tripped last week and fractured the radius. Operation yesterday, all was very painful but this morning less so.
I hope family is well, David & Dorothy. Here’s to a peaceful 2025 to you all Genevive – and around the world. Xx
Happy New Year, Susan, and many prayers for peace across our little blue orb. So many changes afoot. I hope we navigate them with aplomb and compassion. xox, Pam
Thanks so much Pam for coming by. A happy 2025 to you and family, and yes, may we face upcoming storms and sail our ships and come to safe harbour. Xx
I always love receiving your thoughtful newsletters full of love, life, visitors, photos and adventures, Susan. It’s just always good to hear from you. Honestly, I just don’t get all these wars. Well, I do, but, really, why…? I just watched the new movie, “Lee,” featuring Kate Winslet as Lee Miller, the WWII British Vogue photojournalist. While her stunning photos highlight the horrors of that war, the movie brings into relief the atrocities of all wars. I don’t get how humans can do those things to one another. Anyway, I didn’t mean to drift off in this direction, but I did. I love your tortoise and frangipani photos and try to imagine the scent of that plant and a view of the lagoon and sea, the sun and sea breeze and of peace. Let’s put more women in charge. Love, light and laughter this holiday season and throughout the year. –Carol
quick reply Carol, thank you so much. Am retrieving my computer this morning from Mike. It SEEMS to be working better. Will reply properly later. Christmas Day today …. lovey service. Coffee at Mike & Louise, about to go home and prepare for family lunch which is later!
A moment on NYE. All best wishes to you Carol for a healthy happy & creative 2025. I’m hoping this goes through. Mike updated my computer (it took ages) and this is the first time I’m using it on my blog. I’m doing a tidy up in my study. a lovely breeze about and a hopeful possibility of rain. That would make my day. It’s been so hot. Had a complete chill out a few days after Christmas. Am now gearing for the new year. A braai (barbecue) at Mike for lunch, then drinks or tea later at Dave & Jüte and Sam. Love to you dear friend.
I always look forward to reading your updates, Susan, and hearing about the other side of the planet, yet reminded how we are all on one planet, sharing the sun and the moon. I like the word “pause” and many layers of meanings. Amazing photo of the sunset! Striving for “peace” always. Best wishes for a happy holiday season for you, Susan, your loved ones, and for everyone. 💕 Erica
Thanks Erica for coming by. We/I need constant reminders about each is part of the other. Reminds me of the word Ubuntu – the belief in a universal bond of sharing that connects all humanity. A blessed Christmas and festive season to you and family. Xxx
Hi Susan, I hope this gets through to you. No worries about your responses not getting through to my latest post. Although I would have loved to see what you would have written, I know your heart well enough to know it would have been gracious and beautiful. I especially loved your playing with the balancing of opposites at this season. Such a perfect reminder of the essential energies that make the world go around and life go on. Wishing you peace, union, wholeness, and love during this blessed holiday. Love, Jeanie
Hi Jeanie thank you for coming by. All those lovely things you wish for me, I wish for you and family. And worldwide – maybe a turning away from the old myths of extreme masculine, and a return to the ancient ones where Mother Nature was our guide. And love reigned supreme. Love to you, susan
Loved your blog Suzzee.
Great pics too.
Thanks Didee! Thanks for coming by 🦋
Shadow and light, cold and warmth; as above, so below! We must accept them and understand they cannot exist without one another.
I wish you and yours a delightful season, dear Susan.🤗💥🎉
Thank you so much Aladin! A blessed festive season to you and family –
Happy Solstice, Susan!
My wish is for peace, but I am fearful that things are going to get worse all over before they get any better.
Thanks Merrill! Yes I share your feelings about things getting worse sad to say. So many shadows need to be uncovered – meanwhile may your pen do exactly that and bring light to the equation –
You’re welcome, Susan. 💙
Hi, Susan – I am reading and commenting on our shortest day, longest night of the year. I am looking forward to more light (literally and figuratively) ahead.
Thank you for this wonderful post. Wishing you a happy and healthy 2025!
Thank you Donna. A blessed Christmas to you with family and friends and a wonderful 2025 xx
Your post is beautiful–light in the darkness, call for peace instead of war. I’m thankful for you, Susan!
Thank you Marian so much. A blessed Christmas to you and your beautiful family. I’m thankful for you …
A lovely post, Susan. I agree with your commentary. America is backing Israel so that helps. You shared some lovely pictures. Wishing you a happy Christmas and all the best for 2025.
Thanks Robbie. All best wishes for you and family as we enter this new year, politically fraught as it is here in SA.
As always lovely scenery as you enter longest and I shortest days.
Thank you and may the year rolling wonder and pleasure.
Thank you Susan. I wish the same for you …
Excellent post, thank you!
Blessings to you and family too
Thank you!
Excellent post, Susan, thank you.
Thank you Albertus.
Lovely post, Mom, and great pics! Nice one on getting an image at the end from AI 😅
Thanks Mike. Interesting in not being able to get away from the Christmas tree no matter how many times I rephrased my request –
There is a beautiful warmth and simplicity to this blog… I was delighted to hear from you again. In the chill of Ontario winter, I greet you, warm heart to warm heart, across the globe, knowing that the web of love is far stronger, more resilient and durable than the fractious energies we see every day in the news. To be able to say, I am blessed, and to feel the flow of love that issues from that simple statement is the exquisite power I too choose to invest in, particularly on this day, the still point in the turning tide!
Thank you Andrea for your beautiful comment. I send love to you too and while love seems so fragile so often, perhaps paradoxically therein lies its greatest strength. May the blessings of this time and always be yours Andrea in your beautiful home and garden, may spring soon bloom and the days become longer and the air sweeter.
I join you in your distress for Israel and the Jews. I don’t understand that attitude either. I am glad all goes well despite the world. Interesting about the frangipani. I wonder why it now blooms red. Hugs to you and you are in my thoughts.
Thank you Jacqui. I hope your loved ones are safe and that you’ll be with family and friends over this time. We wait with anticipation the inauguration of DJT and though I know he is loathed in many quarters from here to kingdom come, I hope he comes through this all, unharmed and ready to MAGA. I will investigate why no white frangipani and now red. Maybe symbolic of all the blood being shed …
There is a huge lightness of spirit here in America following our election. But I do worry about his health.
May the lightness of spirit enhance the soul and DJT remain safe
Dear Susan,
Yuletide blessings from the (freezing cold) north!
It’s always lovely to catch up with your news and see more photos! Thank you. Indeed, 2024 has been a troubling, tumultuous year, on not only the world’s stage but on many personal stages too. For just about everyone I know, myself included, seems to have suffered in one way or another this year. It’s like all those ‘dark nights of the soul’ seem to be arriving at once!
On the subject of war last year I wrote a haiku which I titled “Release the White Dove” which I include in my new book “Croneology” in a few weeks time. This is my Christmas wish …
In the name of love
Let Israel and Palestine
Release the white dove
Into the vast open sky
Let the glass of hate shatter
Silence war below
Eyes tired of tears
Carrying hope for all souls
Let love build a bridge
Sending you and your loved ones much love, hope, light, peace and laughter across the oceans between us, your poet friend, Deborah.
Your poem is beautiful Deborah as is your comment thank you. It does seem as if the dark night of the soul is attending upon everyone. As above, so below. The micro and macro a mere image of each other. Hopefully, the passage of it and emergence will herald a new dawning – and ‘the glass of hate shatter’, ushering in love in all its shapes and forms.
My computer is playing up big time, I am not sure that comments and my responses will be visible right now. More’s the pity. Hopefully Mike can help tomorrow.
Meantime, while we’re enjoying some warmth and rain, may you keep warm and festive. Keep the fires and flames burning.
With love and appreciation, Susan
Thank you so much Susan for your lovely reply! By the way, here in the UK your warmth and messages of love and light are seen clearly. xx
Yours is too Deborah – love and light all the way xx