Category: #WATWB


This will be the last ‘We are the World Blogfest post’. There was a growing sense among the creators and co-hosts that we were all just too busy to continue to meet the deadline for the last Friday of each month and other issues in these troubled times are taking priority. WATWB has served its purpose well, bringing in a little light among the ever increasing darkness of our people and planet. More and more stories continue to emerge of courage among the bleakest of circumstances, exemplified by the people of Ukraine, inspired by their president, Volodymyr Zelensky.

A blog or two back I posted about thekiffness and his re-mix along with the head of the Boombox band, a Ukrainian living in the USA who returned to Ukraine – raising funds for humanitarian aid in Ukraine. That is still going strong and monies from across the world continue from revenue gained by streaming over various platforms.

Our own Gift of the Givers provides aid across the world irrespective of nationality, race or creed. They are the true heroes of my country. I wish we could have Dr Imtiaz Sooliman as our president. He deserves a Nobel Peace Prize for all that he is, and does. His teams are extraordinary.

Already, logistics are in place for humanitarian aid for the Ukraine from Gift of the Givers based here in South Africa. Apart from food, medical supplies and support teams, petrol, clothing, Gift of the Givers is also helping to ensure the safe return of SA students in the Ukraine. The link is below –

To all our co-hosts of the remarkable and inspiring ‘We are the World Blogfest’, our thanks and deep gratitude for this effort. Damyanti Biswas and Belinda Witzenhausen started this 5 years ago. Ashlynn Waterstone has helped enormously in doing work behind the scenes. We are proud to have been a part of this effort.

Co-hosts this month are Sylvia McGrath and Belinda Witzenhausen –
Sylvia McGrath
( ) (

Below are the links for #WATWB FaceBook and twitter and Twitter account

Thank you for reading. May the Force be with you, and thank you for your support over the years for #WATWB

In darkness, be light.

The RainMaker

#WATWB – We Are The World Blogfest

Unbelievable – the end of the month. This We Are The World Blogfest post is the last one for the year. We will re-group in the new year. I did not post last month, I sent my apologies to the team …

It’s hard to know what to write about … the aim of the #WATWB is to bring a little lightness into the darkness as an ongoing reminder of all that is good in the world – all that is beautiful, and kind, and gentle, and compassionate in people in their words and deeds. An ongoing reminder of Nature and her beauty – and our appreciation of her …

I fretted over what to write … and the following came to mind. See below further down.

As we all know, there is great concern over the latest covid variant – Omicron, while battling at the same time with the rising covid 19 concerns in various parts of the world. Just to put the record straight, South Africa detected the strain, it did not necessarily ’emerge’ from here as I heard Dr. A. Fauci proclaim. My husband assures me though that at some point Dr A. Fauci acknowledged this leading role that our scientists and virologists have played, detecting it. I believe we have 4 cases of this Omicron in SA, a few in Botswana, a few in Zimbabwe and one or two other neighbouring countries, and who knows where it is in all other parts of the world. Rapid mutations ..

Flights to various parts of the world from South Africa are banned. We’re a bit pissed off about that – it feels as we are being punished for sounding the alarm. There has been talk that maybe we should have withheld this for a while without sounding the alarm and putting things into a tailspin; and proceeded rather with caution before announcing it. I know of a few who’s flights to various parts of the world to spend with family is no longer possible, and the heartache that many are feeling. Those coming to our country from near and far afield to experience the beauty that this country has to offer, provides a well needed boost to the economy. Already I hear of bookings being cancelled …. the impact will be huge if things grind to a halt. We await news with bated breath …

If this government declares no inter-provincial travel as well over the festive season, then I can think no further than my nose of what may happen if that were to be enforced. We’ll all be spitting .. everyone, not just those who live in a bubble, including myself who can at least claim a roof over her head, food on the table, the usual comforts.

So, not a ‘usual’ good news story, but one that speaks to me and I hope to you. May you find the calm and peace within you to ride this storm and help bring peace and calm to those around you –

The Rain Maker

Rainmaker Media Group, LLC - Photos | Facebook
appearance of the Rain Maker

There was a great drought where [Richard] Wilhelm lived; for months there had not been a drop of rain and the situation became catastrophic. The Catholics made processions, the Protestants made prayers, and the Chinese burned joss-sticks and shot off guns to frighten away the demons of the drought, but with no result.

Finally the Chinese said, ‘We will fetch the rain-maker.’ And from another province a dried up old man appeared. The only thing he asked for was a quiet little house somewhere, and there he locked himself in for three days.
On the fourth day the clouds gathered and there was a great snow-storm at the time of the year when no snow was expected, an unusual amount, and the town was so full of rumours about the wonderful rain-maker that Wilhelm went to ask the man how he did it.

In true European fashion he said: ‘They call you the rain-maker; will you tell me how you made the snow?’

And the little Chinese said: ‘I did not make the snow; I am not responsible.’

‘But what have you done these three days?’

‘Oh, I can explain that. I come from another country where things are in order. Here they are out of order; they are not as they should be by the ordinance of heaven. Therefore the whole country is not in Tao, and I also am not in the natural order of things because I am in a disordered country.

So I had to wait three days until I was back in Tao and then naturally the rain came.’”

p. 419-20 Mysterium Coniunctionis: an Inquiry into the Separation and Synthesis of Psychic Opposites in Alchemy, vol 14 Bollingen Series XX: The Collected Works of C. G. Jung, 2d edition, trans by R.F.C. Hull, Princeton University Press 1976.

 Eric Lahti( and Sylvia Stein ( will be co-hosting, our thanks to them. Do pop round to see what they’ve posted. Do comment and share via social media. We call all do with a boost.

“Newcomers are welcome to browse through our page. We encourage everyone passing through to share this post on Facebook with their friends and family. If you are on Twitter we now have a perch there – WATWB – idea is to spread #positivity and #light to counterbalance the #negativity and #darkness in #socialmedia these days. If you wish to see more posts like this, then like our page while you’re here”. From Ashlynn Waterstone who is our able administrator and for whom our grateful thanks are also due.

“Come join us next year, the last Friday of each month. Find an inspiring article and share it for WATWB, then just add the link to our group post on our Facebook WATWB group page so others can share and read”. (Thanks to Debby Gies.)

I wish you all a very merry festive season. A safe and healthy one for you, family and friends. May 2022 bring joy and peace.

In Darkness, be Light

#WATWB – 14 reasons to be happy

The last Friday of the month has rolled around again, at an alarming speed it seems to me. It’s the day on which bloggers from around the world post uplifting stories that put a smile on their faces and recognise that in spite of the anxiety on all fronts that we’re confronted with 24/7, there is much good in the world. This is the purpose of #WATWB – We Are The World Blogfest – to highlight humanity in action for the greater good.

If you would like to join in with posting for #WATWB or simply spread some joy on Facebook or Twitter, please click HERE for more information, guidelines and the hosts for this month’s event. You can go HERE to be part of the #WATWB Community Facebook page, where monthly posts congregate for your reading pleasure. Hosts for this month’s WATWB are: co-hosts are Eric Lahti ( and Susan Scott (

Brett Lindeque is our good to go to guy here in South Africa. This appeared the other day on social media. His energy and love for South Africans is palpable. The links give fuller stories for you to check out whenever you can or wish to. Of course, since I live here in South Africa, I’m more than happy to showcase these briefs. I’ve highlighted in colour and/or bold in the post the salient points.

14 Feel-Good Things Happening in South Africa Right Now!

BY BRENT LINDEQUE@BRENTLINDEQUESEP 22, 2021 385 1Photo Cred: On File | Supplied 

“Since we only have 14 Fridays left of 2021, I thought I would give you 14 feel-good reasons to be happy right now!

Johannesburg, South Africa (22 September 2021) –

It’s nearly Heritage day, which means we have a really short week to look forward to… I mean, tomorrow is kind of fake Friday, and that means the weekend is even closer, and there are only 14 of those left for this year.

Yup 14! Just 14 Fridays, Weekends and Sunday Fundays left of 2021!

We can sometimes get overwhelmed with sadness, but I want to remind you that good things are still happening right now. Even during this tragic time.

And since we have 14 Fridays left, I thought I would give you 14 reasons to be happy right now!

14 reasons to Feel-Good:

14. The regulations have changed, and our favourite locals can trade for longer, which is great news for them as a business…, but the really good news here is how South Africans have started seeing “support local” as more than just a catchy phrase. We are realising that by helping each other, we are able to rise. Flip, that’s beautiful!

13. Katherine Heigl – that incredibly famous actress from 27 dresses and Greys – shared a South African Vet’s campaign and helped her reach her crowdfunding target in 48 hours! What is the money for? To pay for sterilisations, vaccinations and de-worming for communities who can’t afford it. The target hasn’t since increased, but the public just keeps giving. Big love for this story!!!

12. We found out that Two Oceans Aquarium Education Foundation weigh their rescued Turtle hatchlings every Monday – to make sure they are growing and healthy, and making their way to eventually being released into the wild (when they are old enough). It is possibly the cutest thing and a reminder that Mondays are truly what you make of them!

11. We finally have Britbox in SA; Disney+ is set to launch next year, Dear Evan Hansen comes out this weekend, after almost 3 years of waiting, the new Bond is being released in a couple of days and the Matrix is back this December (after 22 years). Oh, and we’re in Marvel Phase 4!!! Lekker vibes!

10. A group of South Africans spotted an exhausted dog in the middle of Harties Dam and rallied together to save him. Guys, a whole bunch of humans, collectively worked together to save a little pup from drowning. That is humanity in action!

9. The country started the vaccination roll-out on the 18th of February 2021, and to date, over 8 million South Africans have been fully vaccinated!!! Whatever side you are on when it comes to the vaccine, there is no question that they are bringing a huge slice of normal to parts of the world that have a higher percentage… yes, I’m looking at you, UK, and I’m hoping you’ll take us off the damn red list!

8. People shared the most hopeful messages after asking what some of their post-covid goals are”. The most common… hugs. Just lots of hugs. And it’s already happening. It feels like we are moving forward. It feels like we can see the light at the end of the tunnel, and good grief, it’s like a breath of fresh air right now.

7. 109 South African Firefighters have just arrived back in the country after spending weeks helping Canada with the wildfires. The Canadian government cannot stop speaking about how professional and brave they were. So proud of all the men and women who flew our flag soo high!

6. It’s exactly 70 days to the 1st of December, but realistically it’s already started. Summer is here, and no one does December vibes like South Africans… even in a global pandemic. I would actually pay to watch a Documentary about our December culture. It is fascinating!!!

5. A story about Djo BaNkuna (also known as the Cabbage Bandit) has garnered so much traction that City By-Laws have come into question, and soon, we could all be planting veggies for our communities on our pavements… legally! Imagine looking back a year from now and finding our country in a position where we are helping feed the nation by using a square meter of our pavements to grow food. THAT WOULD BE EPIC!!!

Photo Credit: Djo BaNkuna – Facebook

4. Chaeli Mycroft has just released an inspiring book about her life… and it’s a beautiful read. I got my copy yesterday and cannot put it down. From summiting Mount Kilimanjaro to being the first athlete in a wheelchair to complete the Comrades Marathon, winning the International Children’s Peace Prize, to founding the Chaeli Campaign to champion a more ability-focused and inclusive world. Such a lekker feel-good book!

3. A Cape Town Pizzeria has been voted the best in Africa… the awards come from Naples – the home of Pizza and Massimo’s in Hout Bay took first place. And you know what I love even more about this story? Massimo’s is also one of the most charitable restaurants in our country; the owner has just got the biggest heart!

2. Little Mighty Mack is heading into her 3rd round of chemo with the support of a nation behind her. This little human is a miracle in every sense of the word, and every time I read another update, I get more inspired. You got this girl! We are sending you all our love and strength!

Childhood Cancer
Photo Credit: Mighty Mack – Facebook

1. We’re here, and even though we have all faced massive traumas in the 545 days, we are getting through this – somehow – and I kinda feel like we’re moving in the right direction.

Yes, friends! We are here, we are surviving, and even when it might feel like it’s all bad, there are good things happening all around us.

That’s it. Happy 14. I hope you find some good things today.

Okay. Love you. Bye.”

Thank you for reading. Have a wonderful weekend. May the Force be with you. May Peace prevail. In Darkness be Light.

#WATWB orphan elephant sanctuary

It’s the last Friday of the month – unbelievable, but true. Next month is the equinox, equal day equal night in both northern and southern hemispheres when the earth stands still for a moment before the axis tilts yet again. Just around the corner. Change of season; in the southern hemisphere; winter into spring; in the northern hemisphere, summer into Autumn or Fall.

We are the World Blogfest (#WATWB) is a platform from which bloggers around the world post good news of something happening somewhere in the world, which not only always offsets any negativity or stress we may be feeling in these unsettling times, but also showcases the effect one person, who has an idea and who turns that into reality. And which manifested reality has a profound beneficial effect on the community (or, in this instance, on animals – orphaned baby elephants).

There are so many stories that we don’t know much about, and it’s lovely acknowledge and highlighting them. This platform was started by Belinda Witzenhausen and Damyanti Biswas a few years ago (it’s in its 4th year), and I’m pleased to have been part of it.

This story took my fancy. I know Hoedspruit as a gateway to the Kruger National Park and other game reserves as I’ve been there several times; it’s a gateway to Mocambique as well, but of this orphanage I do not know, perfectly placed right there. There’s a sweet little video of about 1.30 mins.

Mary J. Giese ( ) Belinda Witzenhausen ( are our co-hosts this month, for which we thank you. If you wish to help spread good news, please share any posts – non-political, non-religious. Under 500 words with a link to your story. Please use the #WATWB hashtag eg

If you would like to join in with posting for #WATWB or simply spread some joy on Facebook or Twitter, please click HERE for more information, guidelines and the hosts for this month’s event. You can go HERE to be part of the #WATWB Community Facebook page, where monthly posts congregate for your reading pleasure.

Thank you for reading. I hope this finds you all well and safe. May the Force be with you all.

Work of Art from coffee pods

Heavens above and Lordy me, the last Friday of the month has been and gone. June, gone, up in a puff of smoke. The Solstice has been and gone, the full moon the other night was glorious and now July is around the corner. It’s now Saturday so I am late.

The end of the month on a Friday is a good choice of time to seek out Good News. The timing has its own particular touch. Friday, end of month, a weekend in which to explore others’ offerings on good news around the globe. It’s good to have an injection of good news, like a Vit B 12 one.

So I looked for good news this morning. I was lucky, I didn’t have to overly search. I like this story very much – Cape Town is part of my heritage, it is a beautiful city, works of art and of upcoming artists are frequently exhibited. Further, I like very much that the grounds from the coffee capsules are used for enriching the soil – fertiliser – for the growing of vegetables. Grounds into the ground. So this is altogether a win-win. Circular economy in action. Plus the viewer of Oscar The Seal (Cape Town’s mascot) will enjoy it and hopefully also be inspired in some way to do their bit in terms of recycling – for the planet and all its inhabitants.

Sylvia McGrath ( ) & Belinda Witzehausen ( will be co-hosting. To them our thanks, and to Ashlynn Waterstone who keeps the home fires burning in terms of spreading the good news on social media. Please visit them, and do likewise with other #WATWB posts you may come across. If you retweet, FB or whatever please use the #WATWB hashtag.

If you would like to join in with posting for #WATWB or simply spread some joy on Facebook or Twitter, please click HERE for more information, guidelines and the hosts for this month’s event. You can go HERE to be part of the #WATWB Community Facebook page, where monthly posts congregate for your reading pleasure.

Thank you for reading. Have a lovely and safe weekend. May the Force be with you.

#WATWB – garbage to green

It always amazes me when the last Friday of the month comes round. These months are galloping by at a fast pace. The last Friday of the month is the day on which bloggers from around the world post a good news story, one that is uplifting and shows humanity in action. It reminds us that good things do happen, that people do look out for each other, and

that necessity is often the mother of invention.

There are so many stories I could have chosen. Communities are taking things into their own hands, fixing potholes, collecting trash, cleaning up rivers, things that should be the responsibility of the municipalities who have absconded their duties. Monies for these purposes have gone into back pockets. People are beginning to realise how their municipalities and our government have utterly failed them. I’m talking about all of us, not just ‘them’.

I like this story from Good Things Guy. It’s a quick read and shows how momentum is built (link below).

Along with Eric Lahti at….. I am co-hosting this month. We hope you pop in to his and other stories and please share them on social media to spread uplifting news, whether of an individual or a community or organisation.

If you’d like to connect your blog and help spread a little joy it’s easy to sign up. You can check it out here: here.

Thank you for reading. I hope this finds you all well and may the Force be with you. Have a great weekend. Below are photos from my home, the full moon Wednesday night (the lunar eclipse not visible here in South Africa) the sunrise and sunset on Thursday –

#WATWB The Octopus Teacher

It always catches me by surprise how fast the last Friday of the month arrives! At this speedy rate 2022 will be here before we know it.

The last Friday of the month is the date on which bloggers from around the world post an item of news that caught their interest, that is/was uplifting, and that helps to lift the gloom in these trying times. This one certainly did. A South African documentary afterall! Filmed in the beautiful False Bay off Cape Town shores. It IS Good News, not only for the award it deservedly won, but also because of it’s message – an excerpt below.

“What has been most exciting for us as an organisation has been the feedback. We have received thousands of messages from people around the world. Many have started diving, studying marine sciences or using My Octopus Teacher as a tool in mental health workshops,and in discussions around emotional ecology and deep nature connection.
We wanted to showcase this wonderful ecosystem, the Great African Seaforest, to the world, and we have succeeded.”

I hope you read the full article –

Our thanks to our co-hosts this month – a skeleton staff this time round. Do pop by and say hello. Their stories are bound to be uplifting. And as always our thanks to Ashlynn Waterstone who works behind the scenes to keep us up and running.

<a href=”“>Sylvia McGrath</a>, and <a href=””>Belinda Witzenhausen</a>.

Thank you for reading. I hope this finds you well. May the month of May be a blessed one. May the Force be with you all.

#WATWB I’m Staying

It’s the last Friday of the month yet again. The function of these good news posts that bloggers from around the world put up faithfully on the last Friday of each month, keeps me sane in a world gone mad. These sorts of good news stories remind us of the humanity of people, their willingness to step into the metaphoric (in this case literal) traffic and help another.

There’s a movement in South Africa called ‘#I’m Staying’. So many are leaving this beautiful country for safer shores – we’ve become a gangster state, the Rainbow Nation so called by Archbishop Desmond Tutu is shattered. Mr. Nelson Mandela’s dream is as if it never happened. But when we hear of the willingness of people across all races helping one another, we know that the political big wigs dirty tricks of using race to drive a wedge between ‘the whites and blacks’ will not work (though much of the time sadly they do – factions within factions).

Kerry Wilson: 24 February  · So never did I ever think I would have my very own, #Imstaying moment… yesterday afternoon I was on the N1 Highway in heavy traffic and my car decided that’s it, she’s giving up and the clutch went just before Rivonia road, with me stuck in the middle lane… as I don’t do panic very well, I sat there and just cried and had people hooting at me, swearing at me, trying to pass me… no one willing to actually help me. When suddenly out of no where there is this lady at my window and she says to me mam, don’t worry, we are firefighters and we going to help you….I was bewildered, this group of people stopped behind me, jumped out their car and stopped traffic on a very busy highway for me…. then proceeded to push my car across the lanes till I was safe, not only that they stayed with me till my husband arrived to save the day and tow our car to our wonderful mechanic Colin Schnaier who has now fixed my car and is ready for collection.I would just like to say a VERY BIG THANK YOU to Penny Mabaso, Dudu Ratlhogo, Matome Moila, Thabang Skhosana, all from the City of Johannesburg Emergency management services. You guys were my hero yesterday and I cannot thank you enough!!! — with Penny Mabaso and 3 others.

Our thanks to our co-hosts this month; Sylvia McGrath Roshan Radhakrishnan Shilpa Garg Eric Lahti “ Belinda Witzenhausen

Do pop by and say hello and check out their stories. Get a shot in the arm of uplifting news. Plus the other shots I hope you’re all getting. Below are guidelines and a link at the end should you wish to join on the last Friday of each month .. pinched, copied and pasted from Eric Lahti one of the co-hosts – thanks Eric!

1. Keep your post to below 500 words, as much as possible.
2. All we ask is you link to a human news story on your blog on the last Friday of each month, one that shows love, humanity and brotherhood.
3. Join us on the last Friday of each month in sharing news that warms the cockles of our heart. No story is too big or small, as long as it goes beyond religion and politics, into the core of humanity.
4. Place the WE ARE THE WORLD Badge on your sidebar, and help us spread the word on social media. Tweets, Facebook shares, G+ shares using the #WATWB hashtag through the month most welcome. More Blogfest signups mean more friends, love and light for all of us.
5. We’ll read and comment on each others’ posts, get to know each other better, and hopefully, make or renew some friendships with everyone who signs on as participants in the coming months.
6. To sign up, add your link in WE ARE THE WORLD Linky List below.
This is a Blog Hop!
Click here to enter your link and view this Linky Tools list…

May the Force be with you. Have a great April. Chag Sameach and Happy Easter wishes to you all.

#WATWB cleaning communities

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It’s the last Friday of the month, the day on which bloggers from around the world post a story that seeks to uplift, showing humanity in action. Here in South Africa where we’re pretty alarmed at our dysfunctional government steeped in corruption, and in among the mess where municipalities are not serving their constituencies, it is heartening to see communities taking action and cleaning up their villages, towns and cities.

Kranshoek is about 10 kms from where I live. Jeanray is pictured here.

May be an image of 1 person, playing American football, outdoors and text that says ""Kranshoekis is beautiful community and want keep clean the health children who play outside ndthe people who live here. It's good for the community the impact that cleaning up can have." -Jeanray CHICAGO 36"

He now heads up the weekly clean-ups in Kranshoek. Jeanray has stepped up to try continue the work that Quinton Snyman started in the community. Quinton served the community in so many ways. Always on duty to help others first. Jeanray says: “Kranshoek is a beautiful community and I want to keep it clean for the health of the children who play outside and the people who live here.It’s good for the community to see the impact that cleaning up can have.”

We have volunteers who do similar clean ups on a regular basis right here in my town of Plettenberg Bay. Bags were collected in less than an hour near Lemon Grass Boutique hotel where many people live in the bushes. Photo of Alison Bryant and her amazing team ‘Keep Plett Clean’.

May be an image of 1 person, standing, outdoors and tree

Do pop by the co-hosts this month to read of uplifting stories and share on social media.

a href=”https://ericlahti.wordpress.comEric”>Lahti</a>, <a href=””>Roshan Radhakrishnan</a>, <a href=”“>Shilpa Garg</a>, <a href=”“>Susan Scott </a> and <a href=”“>Sylvia McGrath</a>.

If you want to share your good news of an uplifting story, follow this link to sign up here:

Thank you for reading! Have a great March and may the Force be with you.

#WATWB Beyond Walls

#WATWB Beyond Walls Land Art

It’s the last Friday of the month of this year 2021, which means bloggers from around the world post an item of news that is uplifting in these very difficult times.

This one caught my eye, not only because this extraordinary land art has ‘landed’ in Cape Town, but for what it represents – ‘… unity, mutual aid and common effort beyond geographical constraints …’.

Using tons of biodegradable paint the artist Saype (Say Peace) has done several very large frescoes across the world, eg the forecourt of the UN in Geneva, with a message of togetherness. The Mother City, Cape Town, South Africa represents an essential step of the project due to its history marked by Apartheid. “Beyond Walls” symbolises the breaking down of political and social barriers among communities with the hope to further encourage positive dialogue. It forms the largest human chain in the world. The one in Cape Town has installations of land art in Cape Town itself as well as in two suburbs, of two forearms clasping each other.

For the fuller story, please see the link below.

Cape Town, Sea Point

Our co-hosts for this month are below. Please check them out for a good dose of positive news, which helps negate the darkness, and spread the message on social media using the #WATWB


Simon Falk

Shilpa Garg

Mary Giese

Belinda Witzenhausen

Thank you for reading. I hope this finds you well wherever you are and may the Force be with you.

It’s full moon tonight (Thurs) so here’s a photo I’ve just taken

#WATWB catching the wave

The last Friday of the month has rolled around – again! Time for bloggers around the world to post a piece of good news that helps to uplift the mood and lessen the tension that anyone may be experiencing in these strange and disturbing times.

This is the purpose of #WATWB .. to highlight stories that spread good will, good thought and feeling, stories that are different, maybe a little unusual, that show a person, or an organisation, an event ‘paying it forward’ – many times illustrating people who rise above their circumstances and have a good news story to tell. With the aid of another or others and that’s person sense of courage and fortitude, much can be and is achieved.

My contribution is a little different. It popped up on my FB feed a few days ago as a memory. It’s a 4 year old post put up by David Scott. Given that my last month’s post for #WATWB was tilted ‘say no to racism’ I thought it appropriate to ‘use’ this one, this time round. A young man’s observations – and another ‘no to racism’ – and some hope in looking forward to what is possible – catching the wave –

David Scott is feeling hopeful

27 October 2016  · Cape Town  · Yesterday, I saw something quite profound. I was sitting in the water on my surfboard at Muizenberg & the offshore wind had created spray from the waves, which cast a rainbow. As I saw this, I noticed that the rainbow was arching over the children beneath it, black & white – all enjoying themselves in the ocean. I was touched by their interaction – the black kids were pushing white kids into the waves, the white kids were cheering the black kids on when they caught the wave – they were all getting enjoyment out of seeing the other succeed. I was reminded that in order to see this picture, I had to paddle past the breakers. What we see with the student protests can often feel like waves smashing into us, knocking us back – but without them, there would be no spray to cast the rainbow. It gave me hope that Mandela & Tutu’s idea of a rainbow nation is not so crazy after all. We may be a long way from it, but what I saw yesterday showed me that true democracy is not as far fetched as it sounds. It’s also why I love surfing at Muizenberg. There’s such a diversity of people there but your social status is irrelevant – everyone is equal in the water.

Surfing rules in Muizenberg | SA Country Life
This actually is a photo of the Muizenberg beach 🙂

Please pop by and visit our co-hosts for this month. Our thanks to them. Their stories are sure to be wonderful, uplifting & restorative – Our co-hosts are Sylvia McGrath Mary J. Giese Shilpa Garg
Sylvia Stein and  Belinda McGrath Witzenhausen

Click HERE to check out the intention and rules of the blogfest and feel free to sign up at any time. You are always welcome!

Click HERE  to sign up for this if you’d like to. The linky list will open up in a new window.

Thank you for reading. May you be well and safe and have a lovely weekend. May the Force be with you ..

#WATWB no to racism

The last Friday of the month has come around again. It’s the day on which bloggers around the world post a good news story as a foil to the dark and disturbing news that permeates our everyday world. Damyanti Biswas and Belinda McGrath Witzenhausen started this a few years back.

Here in South Africa, we have many positive groups who say no to racism. Move One Million (M1M) and #I’m staying are two examples. Both groups have had enormous success in highlighting unity vs division. M1M have held peaceful protests around the country and have been represented in many different parts of the world when, at a particular time, they held up their flags standing in unity for South Africa. It has gained much traction globally. The last one was on 5th September. Another one coming up in October.

I’ve chosen one from #I’m Staying. It’s a public group in which people of all shades and stripes proudly tell stories of why they’re staying in SA.

SA Flag

I like this story because this woman named a white Afrikaner who was of great assistance to her and in my view shows that race need not be a factor in thought, word and deed as many would have us believe.

Constance Gololo Montja #I’m staying.

‘I want to share a story of how the action of one man changed my life. I was a Candidate Attorney and could barely afford anything and I needed a flat to stay. He let me stay at his flat that he was letting for R1500 for the duration of my articles and beyond at that time rental for a place like that was around R3500 – 4000. He was Mr SP Van Zyl. He could not speak a single English word, saw him once on the day that I met with him to sign my lease agreement  at Absa Bank at Queenswood.

What brought tears to my eyes and completely broke my heart and fill it with gratitude was that after his passing his kids came to the flat and told me that their father told them that whatever they did with his properties they must never kick me out and increase my rent. To think that someone who did not know me, was a white Afrikaner gave me so much than anyone had ever given me showed me that humanity triumphs above everything else .

I moved on and have a house of my own but he has taught me to lend a helping hand where I can to those less fortunate than I am.

God bless his soul and may he rest in eternal peace . He made such a difference in my life’.

Eric Lahti, Roshan Radhakrishnan , Shilpa GargPeter Nena and Sylvia Stein are our hosts for this month. Thank you! Do pop by and say hello and read their posts, they’re sure to be uplifting and a reminder of how much good there is in the world.

To learn more about #WATWB or to join us click here!

Thank you for reading. May the Force be with you and have a great weekend.

#WATWB meditation and prayer

Its that time of the month again – the last Friday of the month when bloggers from around the world post good news to alleviate the darkness of the current situation and the pandemic.

I’ve been keeping an eye open for some good news but I don’t really have any. Everything is not right and well. Yes, many are doing sterling work helping those in need. NGO’s, businesses, NPO’s, individuals, feeding the hungry, keeping them warm, animals too. All efforts are simply amazing and heart warming. All this while the taxpayers’ rands (SA currency) and large donations (eg for PPE) are being diverted to enrich politicians and the politically connected (pandemic of corruption).

I thought long and hard about what to post for this #WATWB post. What is good and helpful? What is good for each of us individually and for the other? What do we desire in this world? What can each of us do that allows healing light to emerge from the darkness. Does the light come from above towards the dark, or does darkness reach towards the light. Maybe both …

Much has been researched about the power of prayer and meditation and its beneficial effects not only on the individual but on the surrounds as well. I remember many years ago when conflict in the Middle East was at an all time high and meditators got together en masse for a lengthy period of time. Conflict was significantly decreased. There is I think an annual day of meditation when meditators around the world come together.

I think of monks and nuns and all those who devote time in prayer. Individuals who offer their prayers to their God, or Force or something that they know is greater than they. I feel sure that the effects and affects of that help in some way to offset the darkness for us all.

I mostly use my old TM mantra which I learned many years ago. When I wake in the morning I sit up and meditate in bed. The time flies by. I don’t concentrate on anything, just awareness of my breath to begin –

There are times when I bring the world to mind and imagine a golden light, sometimes, silver surrounding it.

I find the om mani padme hum chant very peace inducing … it’s a three hour chant which I put on in the background when at my desk. Tibetan singing bells in the background .. and chanting .. Raising the vibrations may be a drop in the ocean – I’m happy to be that drop –

The co-hosts for this month are below. Do pop by and say hello. Their stories are sure to lift your spirits.

Eric Lahti

Susan Scott –

Inderpreet Kaur Uppal –

Shilpa Garg –

Peter Nena –

If you’d like to be part of spreading good news Click here and add your name. Post to be short providing a link if it’s easier, 500 words or so, non-political, non religious …

Thank you for reading, have a lovely weekend, and may the Force be with you.

#WATWB education

It’s the last Friday of the month – again – and the day on which bloggers from around the world post a good news story as a way of mitigating the ongoing wave of negativity that can permeate into our lives. Good news stories remind us of all the good that is in the world and what individuals can achieve in helping alleviate the struggles that the disadvantaged face.

The story below is remarkable. I confess that I didn’t know of this benefactress and her work in Cape Town, South Africa.

Established in 2001 by Christel DeHaan, its efficacy is proven through a 99% Matric pass rate with 93% of alumni studying, working or both.

Christel DeHaan – True Hero


By Alec Hogg

“Among my memorable assignments was a visit five years ago to Christel House, Cape Town’s 750-pupil Grade R to Matric school which only enrols children from abject poverty (household income under R1,500pm). Established in 2001 by Christel DeHaan, its efficacy is proven through a 99% Matric pass rate with 93% of alumni studying, working or both.

News reached us yesterday that DeHaan, 77, co-founder of global timeshare giant RCI, passed away on Saturday at her home in Indianapolis. Born during World War Two, she was a toddler when her father was killed in a bombing raid. She made her fortune after emigrating to the US from Germany as a 20 year old.

After banking $850m when selling out of RCI in 1996, DeHaan applied her fortune to helping children from backgrounds similar to hers. Her vision was to reach into the poorest communities and grant 100% scholarships to excellent education for children, covering everything from uniforms to food and professionalhealthcare.

DeHaan’s Endless Success Foundation will ensure eight Christel Houses around the world continue to give their 6,000 students a hand up. Adri Marais, CEO of Christel House SA, says the benefactor was “an absolute force for change.” From the smiling kids I met on my visit to the Cape establishment, that’s quite an understatement”.

From me and I’m sure on behalf of all South Africans who read this, I extend my thanks to Christel DeHaan who, with her donation from the DeHaan’s Endless Success Foundation, founded this very successful school in Ottery, Cape Town. On her recent death I extend my condolences and may her dear soul rest in peace.

The hosts for this month McGrathSusan Scott , Shilpa GargDamyanti Biswas,  Belinda Witzenhausen.

Do pop by their stories. They’re sure to bring a smile to your face and a warming of the cockles of your heart.

If you’d like to be part of spreading the good news, please click on the link to add your name. To learn more about #WATWB or to join us click here!

Thank you for reading. Have a great weekend. May the Force be with you all.