A-Z Blog Challenge R Re-membering as Agent of ChangeThe stone which the builders rejected has become the cornerstone: OT: Psalms 118 vs 22
Re-membering – what does this mean? We’ve been through dismemberment at times in our lives when we’ve been hit by ghastly events. Our world is turned completely upside down and our selves are shattered into fragments.We want to return to where we were before. Someone close to us betrays us and all we stood for and we feel rejected, dismembered, no longer whole, in little bits and pieces tossed to the howling wind … and the reality is unbearable.
It is such hard work putting ourselves back together again. I remember a long time ago someone asked me apropos of what I can’t remember, what nursery rhyme comes to mind? Mine was (I had no time to think) Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall, All the King’s horses and all the King’s men couldn’t put Humpty together again. Immediately I felt a twisting in my heart and gut. She looked at me I looked at her. It touched a deep core in both of us. Well, we did talk about it and remembered heart breaks and felt the wrench even though long ago – and it was something I pondered on a long while after –
Much of what has happened in our past we choose to put behind us and close the door. If this has been done consciously and we remember the whys and the wherefores and can re-member those broken parts of us, then this is good and healthy. We remember in a different way, a little more compassionately, to ourselves and towards others that may have hurt us. There are parts of us that still need re-membering, which is why the quote about is a powerful one for me. Don’t reject what can be the healing agent – the cornerstone.
We’re away in Botswana, quite where I cannot say as you read this … this is a prescheduled post and we’ve been advised that there is no wi-fi, no signal, out there in the wild. I won’t be able to respond to your comments or comment on your posts until our return… so, for the meantime, thank you for coming by.
24 Comments on R: Re-membering as Agent of Change
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I’m feeling a certain dismemberment with the last member of my nuclear childhood family dying this week. It is sad without being devastating as my husband’s death was, but I believe it will have a deep inner significance as I am re-membered. He was a heroic highly successful image of my mother’s animus. He put his life into career while I searched inwardly, but I also have a driven success-oriented masculine side. I’m sad, but also curious about how this transition will unfold.
The last member of your nuclear family – may he be well remembered Elaine, as you go through your dismemberment and re-membering. Each of you, different, but from the same root. May your transition deepen your experience of life and death and all else in-between. My thoughts are with you, constantly …
“Much of what has happened in our past we choose to put behind us and close the door. If this has been done consciously …..then this is good and healthy.” Yes, I very much agree. I had to do this once. A broken part of me surfaced most unexpectedly and I had to deal with it, and then put it to rest, but there was healing in the end…and to my surprise, I did feel compassion.
Strange how events or complexes get tweaked when we least expect them – and wonderful that in your experience there was healing. Perhaps compassion is a healing agent. Thank you Sharon
Susan, I am going through that rebuilding right now. Returning to A to Z helps normalize my life, one of my cornerstones, perhaps.
How lovely to note the A-Z as one of your cornerstones Beth. There is something very special about sharing thoughts and stories.
amplification of my comment today: “…and I hope that EACH AND EVERY moment in your life will be A GREAT CELEBRATION.”
And may this be so for you too Joseph ..
Remembering is valuable as we also remember family history good and bad. As you say, it is important to deal with our memories to have a healthy lifestyle. Thank you.
Thank you Gwynn – much to value as we recall and learn from past experiences …
Well said, Susan. As as you’re traveling in Botswana, I am learning that wild animals’ traveling routes, especially those of large animals, are being connected, all over the world, parks are being connected so that as wild animals wander, for mating or for food, they don’t get struck by cars on the highways or caught in fences. They are being remembered and freed from their islands (parks and wild animal reserves).
We’re back as of last evening! Thanks for coming by Samantha … we learned of the trans Kalahari and many more fenced in places being opened for the very reasons you say! My computer is on a go slow; it may take a while for me to get to yours …
As you say, there is good and bad in remembering. It can be traumatic, and it can be comforting. I think remembering is also part of what makes us human–that capacity to recall and reflect upon the past.
I agree Merril re: our ability to reflect and recall makes us human, also the ability to look forward. Thank you for coming by!
To re-remember sometimes brings up pains or hurts that should be forgotten. When they do appear, it shows we haven’t forgiven.
Visiting from the A to Z Blog Challenge.
Patricia @ EverythingMustChange
Thanks Pat, some pains take longer than others …
Your vacation in Botswana will bring you back home, spiritually rested. There is no experience, remembered and ongoing, that has no effect. Your perspective about life will also widen in the near-future when you are back, and I hope you will celebrate each moment.
Lovely thoughts Joseph thank you .. much to celebrate!
I hope Botswana is going well. I am with you in spirit!
Thanks Jacqui, back in one piece, now for TIME to remember …
Love this post, Susan, especially the part about consciously closing the door on the past hurts and remembering with compassion. The thought makes me soften… Thank you!
Thank you for coming by Gulara ..I’m looking forward to catching up your posts.
I am re-membering the death of my mother nearly 2 years ago now. The verse from Psalm 118 is comforting.
Anniversaries are always a special time Marian for those heart felt memories. My thoughts are with you as the time for remembering approaches, yet we always remember ..