A-Z Blog Challenge Q: Quest as Agent for Change
Quest is at the heart of what I do – the holy grail,
and the terror that you’ll never find it, seemed a perfect metaphor for life.
Jeanette Winterson
I’ve already given many quotes in my P post and others, so this time I’ll resist and put up only this one.
For me Jeanette Winterson’s quote is a bit … hmmmm … terrifying. It gives me a queasy feeling. There is always terror or uncertainty that what I strive towards will not come to be. I’m thinking of peace, an inner peace and an outer one in the world as well. But, I do what I can and I know that this is all I can do.
It is apt that the word question contains the word quest within it. Our quest in life ends only when we stop asking questions, of which we know there are never certain answers. Is it true that part of the answer is in the question? Do some questions qualify as especially important ones, ones we’re quick to avoid? I sometimes feel as if I’m stepping in quicksand if I take on too much or go too deep in my ongoing quest or questioning. That quarry is, for the time being, too deep. I’ll query its’ meaning when I feel ready to tackle it.
And here I’m not going any further about quest as Agent for Change but instead adding some of my q thoughts –
I love reading about historical quests and wonder about my own, and quiz myself about my purpose in life, often.
I’m interested in quarks and quantum physics where the wave is also a particle.
I love quartz crystals and am not so mad about quince or getting shots for quarantine when travelling to exotic places.
How to quell my desire for quality chocolate is ongoing.
I will NEVER queue in a restaurant for food ..
I’m still away in the bush in Botswana (this is a pre-scheduled post) so am unable to respond to any comments. Thank you for coming by.
32 Comments on Q: Quest as Agent for Change
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The word quest has special significance for me since my first philosophy/Jung/meditation teacher (I studied with him from 1967 until his death in 1984) called himself and his students “questers.” We don’t know the way. We just keep looking and learning, staying open to the Eternal Questions and not limiting ourselves to simple answers. And you are on a quest now for responses to all these comments…
That is lovely Elaine thank you – staying open to the Eternal Questions. Too much is over simplified. What a special term to use, ‘questers’ … and thank you for coming by …
Susan, In my search for lightness in the present moment, I join your quest for chocolate, not the desire to quell it!
Right now, this Saturday night, I’d do anything for chocolate! As Oscar said, ‘the only way to get rid of temptation is to yield to it’ …thanks for coming by Beth!
I love reading about historical quests too, as you might have guessed with my aviator series. And have long (even as a child) wondered about my purpose in life, and find it odd when others don’t. Why not, I want to ask.
Hope you had a marvelous time on your trip!
Thanks Sharon – your aviator series always make me wonder about those quests of women who felt that urge and set about fulfilling them …
Hi Susan – One’s own Quest for life – and where it will lead us. As Deborah says … and wonderful exploration of Q – you are having some P for Peaceful time now in that idyllic landscape that is the Okavango Delta where you can Question these queries …
Cheers and I sure hope you’re having a wonderful time … Hilary
Thanks Hilary … back from questing in the Okavango … it was real back to basics, little questioning really, just being in the moment!
I think… you, like me, is quintessentially quaint! 😉
Yes, I like you quintessentially quaint! I like that AJ thank you. Have MAJOR catching up to do … hope to get to yours soon …
Wow, I love how you reveal to us that part of the answer (the quest) already lies within the question. The quest(s) that we avoid, or dodge or deny. For only in questing do we begin to answer our own question … what a wonderful exploration of Q!
Like others more questions and questing arise. Happy questing to you on your travels. Great post Susan. Blessings, Deborah.
Thank you Deborah! I want to rest now not quest … finally finally my computer problem has been solved this late hour Sunday night …
quest and questioning is something we will continue throughout our lives… but there is also an insecurity, whether we will get all the answers, it gives queasy feeling… yes, agree Susan… life goes on and we are here to fulfil the purpose we were created for and we will do all that we can to find peace within and outside.. you triggered more questions in my heart 🙂
Thank you Genevive … 🙂 smiles to you too.
A quest is looking for an ion.
My sweet fella insisted l join him on the beach this evening. The moon was up, the sun down but not completely -a gorgeous spring night. We had to wear high boots to get over the 5 and 6 foot drifts of snow still in our yard but we got there. I looked at the moon and thought ” I wonder if Susan is looking at this moon in Botswana.” What a lovely weird world it is.
Jan, an ion as in particle? Thank you for thinking of me when you were looking up at the full moon! I surely was looking up and thinking of the full moon everywhere at different times! The animals seemed to be friskier than usual …
oh … I was being silly – A QUEST ION???
Can’t wait to hear more about your adventure, as I’m sure we all waiting!
quest I on? Coming up! – silly me for not getting it:)
Susan, your posts seem to be deeper and more challenging! If I begin to comment, I think I’ll be in a deep Qwagmire. I shake and quiver at what might happen to me!
I LOVE EVERY WORD OF THIS POST, and it will take me more time to ponder it.
Thanks Joseph! That quagmire is deep right now at my end of the world – it’s awfully late, everyone’s asleep and I’m trying to catch up …
Always the questioning and the quest, but peace rather than be terrified. I agree, Susan.
Quest for quality chocolate. Isn’t that what life’s all about, anyway.
Happy travels — metaphoric as as well as physical.
Oh dear Samantha, that has to be the most filling or fulfilling quest of NOW .. 🙂
Quest is never ending, but you’re right, Susan, we do what we can to bring about the agent of change. Pushing too hard, where we feel that terrifying feeling in our stomachs, might backfire.
Thanks Silvia, a delicate balance …
When we stop asking question… the quest ends and boredom comes in.
Visiting from the A to Z Blog Challenge.
Patricia @ EverythingMustChange
Truth Pat, thank you! Shalom to you, Susan
Yes, the quest for change and growth in life is valuable. It can seem frightening as we don’t know what will be on the other side of the door when we open it to walk through. But if we query a positive mindset all will work out. Thanks for the great post.
Thank you Gwynn!
Ah. For me, I risk the quest becoming the goal rather than the final product. So doesn’t work for me.
Interesting comment Jacqui thank you, I’ll have to think about that one 🙂
I can’t believe you have already arrived at “Q’ in this blog challenge. Quest would be my choice too – striving for the good!
Tomorrow will be U … yes, it’s nearly over! Thanks for coming by Marian.