U: Uncertainty and Change


When we are not sure, we are alive. Graham Greene

We live in uncertain times, wondering inter alia about the candidates for the US presidential election; what’s happening in Brazil with the Olympics coming up and the president facing impeachment charges and the Zika virus; and here in South Africa all is very uncertain, our economy, the factions within the ‘ruling’ party (they’re supposed to be our servants, not rulers, but it’s the language we use); and on it goes.

We feel for those in danger, crossing seas in life boats to escape from certain death in their place of origin. We feel for those who cannot feel sure of their countries’ policies and who turn a blind eye to ongoing corruption and failure to protect women, children and innocents from autocratic and paternalistic rule. Those kinds of uncertainties can only be dreadful.

How hard it is to live with uncertainty! But is it really? Would life be any better, happier, more fulfilling if we could be certain about everything? I’m not so sure. It wouldn’t leave any room for the unknown and what is yet to be lived. There would be no room for the trickster, Hermes, always present, shaking up our assumptions and forcing us to view ourselves and others and situations differently. No room for doubt to open up our thinking and feeling and the possibility of putting away our conditioning even if it threatens the ego.

We would no longer wonder about our dreams that shake us up at night when we enter into unknown terrains. We are hostile to the unfamiliar, forgetting that the unknown and uncertainty drives so much – in the sciences, medical research, technologies, the arts in all shapes and forms. Change will happen always, by delving into the unknown.

Just a postscript – I was amazed to find on my return that I had put up 2 blogs on T … on the Friday night before our departure for Botswana, I thought I had done T but when I went to look for it late Friday night I couldn’t find it anywhere so wrote up another …

30 Comments on A-Z Blog Challenge U: Uncertainty and Change

  1. Thank you for sending a condolence card, Susan. I have been keenly aware of uncertainty for the last few years and especially since January. I’ve made four trips to Boston, an 8 hour drive, to be with my sick brother. The last few times he was in the hospital facing the uncertainty of “multiple system breakdown” and life/death. He was always certain he would live. That seemed to be a wildly irrational idea from an extremely rational man. There is that one certainty. We will die.

    • I’m pleased you received it Elaine. It’s amazing that he had that will to live even when it was clear – to others- he would not. Sounds like there was an extreme tension of opposites in him at that time. May his dear soul rest in peace. I have a severely depressed brother of whom I live in uncertainty all the time …

  2. Wow, Susan, trauma and then uncertainty. There is a certain synchronicity between us two. For, I read your trauma post, then went downtown to fulfill an obligation, encountered traumatic news,which led to change and uncertainty.

    Were it not for money, greed and ego, what would the world, life be like?

    Thank the goddesses for good and supportive friends.

    Thank you.

    • Goodness gracious Samantha … synchronicity at work. I’m sorry to hear of the traumatic news –

      I wonder about a peaceful life – is it possible? Maybe it starts with us? Thank you for your support, always. This brings a peaceful feeling to me.

  3. Life is uncertain. With all the changes in government what we manage may become more uncertain. Change is good, but sometimes it seems overwhelming to me. Right now I feel like I’ve been tossed into storming seas. I hope the waters calm down. I enjoyed your post.

  4. Hi Susan – we have so many uncertain things happening – the ones you mention and then our own Referendum on will we leave or stay in the European Union – that could make a HUGE difference to a lot of lives.

    Still concentrate on our lives and work them through as smoothly as we can …

    Take care and welcome back – cheers – Hilary

    • We’re watching with interest as June and decision time draws near Hilary re: to stay or not to stay in the EU. Golly, this is surely anxious making for many … I remember your saying you would rather be inclusive, instead of exclusive.

      You too take care. I hope the plans for moving are coming along comfortably.

  5. Susan, I am trying to live with the uncertainty that is more obvious at this point in time. I am trying to realize that it’s not much different that before, trying to appreciate all the joy and pluses of each day, of the minutes I share with ones I love. thank you.

    • Hello Beth, I know things are particularly uncertain for you at this time. May you come through this knowing that you are surrounded by those who love and care for you as you also extend love and care. You are in my thoughts.

  6. Uncertainty is certainly part of life. We just don’t know what will happen, until it does, and even then there are arguments. Take our election process here in the U.S. Trump is hated by the majority, according to polls, yet he keeps garnering support. In Brazil, as you mentioned, they are voting to impeach everyone, it seems. Talk about serious uncertainty. We wake up, but have no idea if we’re going to go to sleep in our own bed. Not much we can do about it. Like is a collection of unknowns.
    Welcome back. Hope it was an excellent trip.

  7. You definitely crossed all T’s before your departure. They were both illuminating as all your posts, Susan. I can’t wait to hear about your adventures while away. The challenge wasn’t the same without communicating with you 🙂 as to uncertainty, I struggle with it at times. I take your point though that knowing what exactly is coming does not guarantee happiness.

    • So nice of you to say Gulara! I’m looking forward to some real catching up on yours and others’ posts. I agree uncertainty can be and is difficult at times.

  8. Uncertainty, yes this word makes me feel unsure, insecure and sometimes even gives me fear; because there is nothing certain in life; everything is subject to change and we got keep moving accepting this as part of life process… only death is certain but even that we do not know how, when, where etc… I do not want to dwell on this as this gives me discomfort… would prefer to focus in the now and keep walking with and hope 🙂

    • You have such a positive attitude Genevive which stands you in good stead amongst everything. Keep walking in faith and hope 🙂

  9. Uncertainty and change. Two sides of the same coin. Maybe that Mobius Strip I mentioned a few posts ago.

    Good article.

  10. The uncertainty we live with is what makes us humans. The animals do not consider the not-now and so are not filled with uncertainty. They know it is so. My daily chant includes the phrase “life is like a bubble, death comes without warning”
    It is good to remember this – so easy to forget.

  11. My own personal opinion is that uncertainty belongs to life. Of course, it is not pretty, and it doesn’t give us that feel good feeling but if we want change we have to learn to live with uncertainty.

    Visiting from the A to Z Blog Challenge.

    Patricia @ EverythingMustChange

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